Accessing your telehealth appointment
First, you must have a scheduled appointment through our office and you must have a portal account established with our office. You must also have a device with a camera and a microphone. A smartphone generally has all of these. Make sure you are accessing from an area with good wifi.
When your appointment is scheduled you will be given your providers telehealth room name. Please make sure you log in before your scheduled appointment time. If you have any problem logging into the providers waiting room please call our office at 402-465-5600.
We want to make sure that everyone who uses telehealth has reviewed the telehealth consent information. Please read all of the information at the end of these instructions.
It is important to make sure you have good wifi so that the communication is as clear as possible. You will need to give your device permission to activate the camera and microphone.
Please be patient as providers are doing visits between other appointments and if they get behind we may need to reschedule your appointment.
Our goal is to try to keep sick kids out of the office unless it is absolutely necessary to bring them in to see them. In those cases we will bring children in to the office to see them.
Telehealth Consent
A telehealth service means that my visit with a practitioner at the distant site will happen by using special audiovisual equipment. This consent is valid for six months for follow-up telehealth services with the health care provider.
I also understand that:
- I can decline the telehealth service at any time without affecting my right to future care or treatment, and any program benefits to which I would otherwise be entitled cannot be taken away.
- I may have to travel to see a health care practitioner in-person if I decline the telehealth serv
If I decline the telehealth services, the other options/alternatives available for me, including in-person services, are as follows: seek alternative providers in your community.
- The same confidentiality protections that apply to my other medical care also apply to the telehealth
- I will have access to all medical information resulting from the telehealth service as provided by
- The information from the telehealth service (images that can be identified as mine or other medical information from the telehealth service) cannot be released to researchers or anyone else without my additional written conse
- I will be informed of all people who will be present at all sites during my telehealth serv
- I may exclude anyone from any site during my telehealth serv
- I may see an appropriately trained staff person or employee in-person immediately after the telehealth service if an urgent need arises OR I will be told ahead of time that this is not available.
- I also understand that my insurance will be billed for the visit with consulting health care provider, and that I may be billed for what my insurance does not cover, dependent upon the provider. I understand that if I have any questions about my billing, I will need to the providers billing office. Therefore, by signing this consent, I am giving permission to release information to my insurance company or third party payor.
Prior to starting video-conferencing services:
- There are potential benefits and risks of video-conferencing (e.g. limits to patient confidentiality) that differ from in-person appointments.
- Confidentiality still applies for telepsychology/telehealth services, and nobody will record the session without permission for the other person(s).
- We agree to use the video-conferencing platform selected for our virtual sessions, and the psychologist/medical provider will explain how to use it.
- You need to use a webcam or smartphone during the appointment
- It is important to be in a quiet, private space that is free of distractions (including cell phone or other devices) during the appointment.
- It is important to use a secure internet connection rather than public/free Wi-Fi.
- It is important to be on time. If you need to cancel or change your tele-appointment, you must notify our office by calling Complete Children’s Health at 402-465-5600
- We need a back-up plan (e.g., phone number where you can be reached) to restart the session or to reschedule it in the event of technical problems.
- We need a safety plan that includes at least one emergency contact and the closest ER to your location, in the event of a crisis situation.
As your psychologist/medical provider, we may determine that due to certain circumstances, telehealth is no longer appropriate and we should resume our appointments in-person.