SHINE Clinic


SHINE Clinics

The SHINE clinic at CCH is dedicated to empowering families to improve their metabolic health and achieve wellness goals. We partner with local dietitians and fitness experts to create an individualized plan for each patient. The SHINE clinic is led by a team of health care providers who share an interest in wellness.

The goal of the SHINE clinic is improving your child’s metabolic health.

This means we focus on balancing blood sugar throughout the day with improvements to nutrition and physical activity. Instead of counting calories or restricting certain foods, we look for what we can ADD to each day to improve your child’s overall health. Mental health plays a big role in building healthy habits, so we work on mental wellbeing and refer to a psychologist if needed. Most importantly, the SHINE clinic is meant to be a positive experience for your child. We highlight the “wins” each clinic visit and allow space for your child to recognize areas for improvement.

We understand that life is busy!

We offer telehealth services for the SHINE clinic to accommodate your schedule. After your initial SHINE clinic appointment, we will determine appropriate referrals including dietitians, physical therapy, behavioral therapy, and fitness opportunities. Wellness doesn’t have to be expensive. We work with local organizations to connect families with free to low-cost resources for nutrition and fitness.

SHINE Meaning

SHINE is an acronym and stands for the following:



Stronger. Helping patients build a stronger body through movement.



Healthy Habits. Developing specific and easy to implement habits to make each day healthier.



Improve. Working with patients and families to improve lab markers and wellness goals.



Nutrition Education. In-house nutrition education and referrals to dietitians based on each patient’s individual needs.



Empower. Giving families and patients the tools to continue their healthy lifestyle.

What to Expect


Prior to the initial SHINE visit, your provider may have your child come in for fasting laboratory tests if they have not been completed already. These tests will help us evaluate your child’s current metabolic function and identify areas for improvement.


During the initial SHINE visit, we will review your child’s current nutrition preferences, sleep, mental wellbeing, and physical activity level. We will set individual goals that are specific, measurable, and achievable. Depending on your child’s lab results and metabolic health goals, we may also initiate medications.


Follow up visits for the SHINE clinic can be in person or telehealth. During follow up visits we will build on previous healthy habits, adjust goals if needed and provide medication management. These visits are typically monthly, but will be scheduled according to your child’s needs and your family’s availability.

Annie Hubka, APRN, DNP, Lead Clinic Provider

Annie has always had an interest in nutrition and wellness. She served on the Pediatric Obesity Taskforce at Mayo Clinic and published a research article on Pediatric Obesity in 2018. She created our SHINE clinic after seeing a local need for metabolic health and wellness care for adolescents. Annie is currently working towards her Obesity management certification. She is a member of the Obesity Medicine Association. Annie has a family focused approach and believes it is important to meet each patient where they are in their wellness goals. In addition to working full time at our clinic, she is a mom of three and understands the challenges of a busy lifestyle. Annie is an avid runner and loves strength training.